Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Support DemoCat Anschel

Would Stephen Harper climb a tree for you? I would. Does Stephane Dion wash between his toes? I do, at least once a day.

These are the qualities you should look for in a leader. The willingness to serve in many ways. And keep it clean.
I’ve held national office as Best Foreign Burmese in Canada, 2007 to 2008. I know what it’s like to serve (and entertain) the public.

I call myself a DemoCat because power belongs to the people. Not just because people know how to open a can of tuna, but because they’re also good to sleep with.

I mean, can you imagine Jack Layton catching a mousie? You deserve a leader who can keep pests under control.

And that would be me, Anschel. Your local neighbourhood DemoCat.

photo by Brennan O'Connor, Mississauga News

1 comment:

Buck said...

Anschel, you have my vote. You're the only sane one in the lot.